Step Out In Faith

Have you ever had to call to have your refrigerator serviced? Maybe you have had green algae in your pool…or your air conditioner was not cooling the house adequately…or you might have had the dreaded plugged up toilet. Most of you have had similar problems and you’ve had to make a phone call to the nearest service company in an effort to take care of the problem and to address the need.
After the service call, have you then been disappointed by the service you received? How did you feel when the problem wasn’t fixed? Did you call another company to serve you or did you simply try to fix the problem yourself? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word “serve” is defined as “to be of use.”
Are you serving God and being “of use” to Him, for His glory? What is your called area of ministry…that you can be “of use” to Him? How many times have you been called to serve God in a specific area of ministry, but then have failed to step out in faith due to fear or uncertainty of His call?
Throughout the Bible, God called many people into service. He gave them a plan of action and confirmed to them that He was sufficient in providing for the challenge…and that He would supply what they needed, so they could serve His purpose.
Noah was called to one of the largest task ever given by God. It took Noah 100 years to build the ark. But God had instructed Noah to build an ark in order to accommodate the needs of his family, to protect them from harm, and to deliver them from severe and catastrophic judgment. (Genesis 6:9 - 7:5) As a result of his obedience and service, Noah and his family were protected from God’s judgment. God gave Noah a plan of action and provided strength for the task. As a result, God blessed mankind with a covenant through Noah.
Moses was called into service when God spoke to him from a burning bush. He was to lead his people out of their bondage in Egypt…and then take them on a journey to the promise land. (Exodus 2:23 - 4:15) God gave Moses the authority and the ability to deliver the people of Israel from their enemies and promised to equip him to serve well to accomplish the task that was set before him. As a result the people of Israel were delivered.
David was called into service when as a boy he stepped up to fight Goliath, the giant warrior of the Philistines. (I Samuel 17:32) Because of David’s willingness to serve Jehovah and fight against the power of evil, God empowered him to defeat Goliath. David was used by God to deliver the people of Israel from the strongholds of the Philistines and thus, demonstrated His sufficiency and power over evil.
God chose all three of these men to lead and accomplish great things because of their willingness to answer God’s call, step out in faith, and serve. Will you answer His call, step out in faith, and serve God…that is “be of use” to Him…just like Noah, Moses, and David?