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Keys To Divine Elevation

We all seek to be divinely elevated. Some of us seek to be famous and rich. I believe the time has come for God to fulfil our heart desires. God want to make us famous, God want to enrich us in line with His word, God wants to take us to the higher ground. In the scripture for every blessing there is a condition to meet. You need to meet this condition. Fulfilling these conditions are the keys to unlocking our blessing. I present to you a message title: The Keys to divine elevation. I mean the keys that will take you to higher heights. If you believe Jeremiah32:27 this message is for you. Are you tired of poverty, lack, backwardness, this message is for you. What are these keys.

Read Phil2:3-9.

A Christ like attitude: A Christ like attitude empowers us to live a life full of the Spirit of Christ. With our Christ like attitude we can easily give up our rights, power and privileges.

Christ washes the feet of the disciples (John13:1-11 meaning leadership is service, we are servant of the people and to the people we lead. It also means we should be able to come down to the level of the people we serve with absolute humility) at the top or higher ground you need this attitude. Jesus would have commanded legions of angels (Mat26:53) to show His power but He did not.

Attitude: Is a habitual mode of thought or feeling. A manner of carrying one self. Its because of this that Phil2:5 says let that mind or attitude be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

Characteristics or traits of a Christ like attitude

  1. Patience and endurance(Col1:8)

  2. Love, compassion and sacrifice(Romans5:8, John3:16, Math9:36)

  3. Self-control, perseverance, joy(Gal5:22)

  4. Giving(2Corinthian8:9, Luke6:38)

  5. Forgiveness(Math23:34)

  6. Discipline(Math21:12-13)

  7. Prayer and fasting(Luke22:44,Math17:21,Math4:2)

Your attitude determines your climb. The way people see you reflect whether you are a light or darkness. Our speech, our dress, our body language speaks a lot about us. A Christ like attitude is a magnet to attract favour and miracles. You might be despised in the beginning, people will contend with you but you will be marked out for favour. Are you looking for miracles, to be at the higher ground embrace a Christ like attitude. Pray for the grace to live like Christ .

Humility (Phil2:3,8) Anyone with an assignment from heaven or heavenly vision must have a humble spirit. One of the killers of young destinies and promising great men and women is the lack of a humble spirit. Humility is the greatest key to greatness (1Peter5; 5).Phil2:3-9 we read Jesus humbled himself before He was exalted. According to John12:24 until you die you cannot bear fruit. Die to the flesh. The opposite of humility is pride which is an enemy to divine elevation. Satan fell from grace because of pride (Isaiah14:12- and Eze28:12). When we lift up our hearts in pride we are associated with Satan. It takes humility to keep quiet when your husband is talking even if He is wrong. It takes humility to go back to your wife and say I am sorry when you know you are wrong. It was humility that brought Jesus on His knees to wash the disciples’ feet (John13:1-11). He knew who He was. The more you get a personal revelation of who you are, the more humble we should become. It’s hard, but grace can help us to be humble. Ladies it takes humility to submit, while husband it takes humility to live with our spouses in understanding. God does not exalt a proud person. If God is going to use you, He will humble you by force and the story might be unpleasant. I am a case study of the divine lessons of humility. I never in my wildest dream, looking at my work experience and several training in Africa and abroad imagined I will be a preacher of the gospel. I wanted to be an international financial analyst. I started the program, pass the first module, then I became a believer. All my worldly pursuit where consumed when the reality of who I am and my mission was revealed to me in a dream. I tried to ignore the heavenly vision, which landed me to a state I never imagined. Completely broken to such an extent that all I live for now is to preach Jesus. I would have never reverence God so much if I was not broken to make way for humility. God will never give power to a man that is proud, If He does the pride of that man will destroy him if he does not seek humility. Put on humility if you seek divine elevation otherwise you will be too big for God t do business with.

Joshua1:8 says the word of God is the only way to true success. Success was qualified as good. Do you need good success; I mean divine inspired success to the top,you need the word of God. Total and uncompromising obedience to the word of God must be practiced. It seems difficult in a world of deceit, challenges, where you are punish for saying or standing by the truth to stand by Gods word. Some of us our past is so challenging, reviewing the white lies, deception, and some many stuff we have done that does not honour God. The only way out is to sort our self out through the word of God. We must live and obey the word of God no matter the situation. Whatever the height you seek to attain through God will only be achieve through the word of God. Do you seek to be a man of God or preacher of the gospel obey what the bible says about holiness, righteousness, prosperity etc. Our calling as pastors, evangelist, and teachers can only be successful and fruitful when we obey the word of God. Divine elevation in all fields of life comes through total obedience to the word of God. Obey what the bible says about tithes and offering/giving, Holiness, righteousness. Obey our God, Deu 28:1-3, 12. Let us stop our mediocre Christianity and turn our hearts truly to God. By mediocre Christianity I mean we serve God when we are pleased and when we are comfortable. Didn’t the bible say in Jeremiah curse is that man who does the work of God deceitfully. To avoid a curse and receive elevation we must totally obey the voice of God, (the word of God). John10:27. My sheep hears my voice, in order words my followers obeys my word. I pray for the grace to obey God to ensure we are divinely elevated. Do you know the lack of obedience to Gods word has resulted to some believers in high places seeking the occult, witchcraft and powers of dark for power to be recognised? When you truly believe and obey Gods words, the signs follow you, you don’t follow the signs. God bless you. See you at the top.

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